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3 sett HD-modell Europeisk type Enkel bjelke overhead kran Levering til Ghana


European type single girder overhead crane
Lastekapasitet: 5T
Løftehøyde: 6m
Heisehastighet: 0,8/5m/min
Travel speed:2-20/min
Antall: 3 sett
Country: Ghana

The customer's factory was facing an urgent need to replace their aging crane system, which had become outdated and inefficient. Initially, the customer's plan was modest; they only aimed to replace the end beams and a few accessories, hoping to extend the life of the existing crane without incurring significant costs. However, as we engaged in numerous detailed discussions and thorough planning sessions with the customer, exploring various options and addressing their concerns, it became clear that a more comprehensive solution would better meet their long-term needs.

We demonstrated the advantages of a complete crane system, highlighting improvements in safety, efficiency, and operational capability. The customer was gradually convinced by the value proposition and the potential for enhanced productivity.

Ultimately, the customer decided to invest in a complete new crane set from our company, recognizing the long-term benefits and the superior technology we offered. When we sent them the photos of the newly installed crane, their reaction was one of overwhelming satisfaction. They were impressed by the quality and precision of the installation, and they expressed their appreciation for our professional guidance and support throughout the process. This successful upgrade not only met but exceeded their expectations, paving the way for a more efficient and reliable operation in their factory.

European type single girder overhead crane delivery to Ghana

European type single girder overhead crane delivery to Ghana

Europeisk type enkeltbjelke overhead kran levering til Ghana bilde for levering

Europeisk type enkeltbjelke overhead kran levering til Ghana bilde for levering

Vi har vært en kranprodusent i 15 år. Hvis du har spørsmål om kraner, kan du kontakte oss og våre profesjonelle ingeniører er tilgjengelige 24 timer i døgnet for å svare på spørsmålene dine.


Mitt navn er Clara, jeg har vært spesialisert på kraner i fem år, involvert i alle aspekter av krandesign for å eksportere transport, hvis du har spørsmål om kraner, kan du kontakte meg.

ARTIKKELTAG:kranprodusent,European Type Overhead Crane,Ghana,Traverskraner,Endrager Portalkraner

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