طراحی ارائه شده است

قیمت ارائه شده است

تولید استاندارد به پایان رسید

مشتری قرقیزستان دوباره جرثقیل دروازه ای تک تیر سفارش داد

2025-03-15|پروژه موردی

We are delighted to share another milestone in our partnership with a long-standing client from Kyrgyzstan. They first purchased a Single-Girder Overhead Crane last year and recently returned to acquire a Single-Girder Gantry Crane. This repeat order underscores their trust in our product quality and our commitment to delivering value.

Understanding the client's emphasis on cost efficiency, our logistics team thoroughly analyzed transportation options, comparing rail and road freight. After evaluating factors such as lead time, accessibility, and expenses, we opted for road transporta solution that balanced affordability with speed. This decision not only reduced shipping costs by approximately 15% compared to alternatives but also ensured timely delivery, avoiding potential delays associated with complex multimodal transitions.

The client confirmed that the newly installed gantry crane has seamlessly integrated into their facility, boosting material handling efficiency by 20% and enabling safer operations in their expanded warehouse. Crucially, our road transport strategy cut delivery time by two weeks, allowing them to commence operations ahead of schedule. "Your team didn’t just sell equipmentbut also solved our logistical headaches," the client noted, praising our end-to-end support from technical consultations to real-time shipment tracking.

Kyrgyzstan customer again ordered single girder gantry crane

Kyrgyzstan customer again ordered single girder gantry crane

Kyrgyzstan customer again ordered single girder gantry crane

Kyrgyzstan customer again ordered single girder gantry crane

تکنسین کلارا کرین

اسم من کلارا است، پنج سال است که در جرثقیل تخصص دارم، در تمام جنبه های طراحی جرثقیل تا حمل و نقل صادراتی شرکت دارم، اگر در مورد جرثقیل سوالی دارید، می توانید با من تماس بگیرید.

واتس اپ: +86 193 3738 7078
پست الکترونیک: clarazhang@zokecrane.com
برچسب های مقاله:جرثقیل دروازه ای,Kyrgyzstan,چرثقیل هوایی,جرثقیل دروازه ای تک تیر

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