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2 Sets Double Girder Overhead Crane Installed in Switzerland

2025-01-09|Případový projekt
  • Nosnost: 2t
  • Span:4.5m
  • Lift height:2.8m
  • Long travel length:17m

We maintained close communication with the customer during the installation of two double-girder overhead cranes in Switzerland. During the critical stage of the installation, the customer encountered some problems with the electrical connection. We responded quickly and provided solutions to the customers' problems, patiently answered the customers' questions, and assisted them in completing the electrical system connection. Through the customer's efforts and our help, the two cranes were successfully installed and commissioned. The customer highly appreciated our professional service and support and was very satisfied.

double girder overhead crane installed in Switzerland picture

double girder overhead crane installed in Switzerland pitcure

Clara-Crane technik

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ŠTÍTKY ČLÁNKU:Double Girder Overhead Crane Installed,Mostový Jeřáb,Switzerland

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