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Repeat Crane Order from Indonesian Client

2025-03-15|Праект справы

We has received a repeat order from a long-term Indonesian client for two European-style single girder bridge cranes. This decision underscores the client’s satisfaction with the cranes’ performance and our ability to deliver reliable, tailored solutions.

The client, a key player in Indonesia’s lifting industry, first partnered with us in 2024. The new cranes features with energy-efficient motors, precision controls, and a compact design ideal for confined spaces. Customized to meet the client’s operational needs, they comply with ISO/FEM standards and support seamless integration into existing workflows.

“Repeat orders reflect our commitment to innovation and customer success,” said our manager ,“We’re proud to strengthen our partnership in Southeast Asia’s growing industrial sector.”

Repeat Crane Order from Indonesian Client

Repeat Crane Order from Indonesian Client

Repeat Crane Order from Indonesian Client

Repeat Crane Order from Indonesian Client

Repeat Crane Order from Indonesian Client


Мяне завуць Клара, я спецыялізуюся на кранах на працягу пяці гадоў, удзельнічаю ва ўсіх аспектах праектавання кранаў для экспартных перавозак. Калі ў вас ёсць якія-небудзь пытанні аб кранах, вы можаце звязацца са мной.

электронная пошта: clarazhang@zokecrane.com
ЦЭТКІ АРТЫКУЛУ:маставой кран,European-style single girder bridge cranes,Indonesian

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